
Environmental Sustainability

The Al Saif Group recognizes that climate change is a very serious issue. We are therefore committed to minimizing any adverse effect that our business may have on the environment, for today and for generations to come. We are equally as committed to helping our clients to minimize their own contributions to climate change by helping to effectively reduce power consumption and wasted energy. As a member of the international business community, we take our responsibilities seriously and we continually strive to improve our own environmental performance in the following areas:

  1. Our Business
    We are committed to reducing our carbon and environmental footprint, reducing our energy consumption, minimizing our carbon emissions and cutting the usage and waste of water, paper and consumables. We strive to recycle and to comply with local statutory requirements within our operating regions and we continually monitor environmental issues that may result from our business or services and aim to resolve these as quickly and effectively as possible.
  2. Our People
    Nurturing an awareness of environmental issues amongst our staff and making them an integral part of our sustainability initiatives is key to the success of our environmental programs. We work with our employees to help them understand how they can contribute individually to the company’s environmental objectives and how they can help to directly reduce carbon emissions and their own personal impact on the environment and the world around them.
  3. Our clients
    Through the services we provide and the advice that we give we aim to promote the most energy efficient and environmentally sustainable solutions for our clients. Operating to the principles of Green Business, we work with our clients to encourage full life-cycle and environmental thinking so that environmental impacts are minimized and energy efficiencies are maximized.
  4. Our partners and suppliers
    The level of environmental responsibility demonstrated by our current or potential suppliers and partners has a big impact on our procurement decisions as we endeavor to promote our values throughout our supply chain.